Herniated Disk Exercises

Caused by the dislocation of one of the spongy discs between the vertebra of the spine, a herniated disc can cause severe discomfort in those it affects. Although most cases of a herniated disc clear within a week with ample rest and reduced physical activity, simple stretching exercises may help relieve pain and reduce the symptoms of a herniated disc.
  1. Back Elongating Exercise

    • A back elongating exercise may help reduce the pressure and pain caused by a herniated disc. To begin, stand upright with arms at your side. Next, bend forward with arms outstretched in front of you. Be sure to focus on elongating the back muscles, but if you experience extreme pain, do not continue to stretch, as this may cause additional discomfort. Hold position for two seconds, then slowly return to an upright position, maintaining control of your back muscles. Repeat 10 times.

    Backwards Lean Exercise

    • One of the most powerful exercises for patients suffering from a herniated disc is to perform a backwards stretch. To perform this exercise, stand upright with hands relaxed on hips. Slowly lean back, keeping the back aligned and straight. Stretch as much as is comfortable, and hold position for five seconds. Slowly return to upright position. Repeat five times. Do not continue stretching if you experience extreme pain or discomfort.

    Downward Dog Exercise

    • The downward dog, a popular yoga move, also may help relieve pain for patients suffering from a herniated disc. To perform, lie on your stomach with arms bent and hands just beside the shoulders. Slowly lift your upper-half while keeping legs aligned on the floor. Continue lifting until arms are outstretched and supporting the body. Your back should be curved and your abdomen should be off the ground. Hold for five seconds, then slowly return to the floor and rest. Repeat five times.

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