Severe Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis
General Symptoms
Some general symptoms associated with spinal stenosis include pain in the legs due to compressed nerves in the lower back. Back and hip pain can also occur, with the pain radiating down through the buttocks and into the lower leg while sitting down. Neck and shoulder pain can also be a symptom of spinal stenosis since it could be caused by the compression of the nerves in the neck. Some people also experience a loss of balance due to pressure on the spinal cord.
Loss of Contol of Bowel and Bladder Function
One of the more severe symptom of spinal stenosis is the loss of control of the bowel and/or bladder. This occurs when the nerves that control these two areas become damaged. This can result in partial or complete incontinence. If this occurs, it is important to contact a healthcare provider immediately.
Severe Leg and Foot Pain
When the nerves in the back become compressed, a condition known as pseudoclaudication can result. This can cause severe pain in the lower legs and feet, which can make walking difficult. Standing for long periods of time can also result in severe pain. The discomfot can be alleviated by leaning forward or sitting down to relieve the pressure on the nerves.
Sexual Difficulties
Problems having sex can also be a severe symptom of a form of spinal stenosis known as cauda equina syndrome. The caudia eqina is the area at the end of the spinal column that contains nerve roots. If these nerve roots are damaged, sexual dysfunction can occur because the nerves that cause sensation in the genitals may not function properly.
Relief of Symptoms
To relieve the symptoms of spinal stenosis, an individual can begin a regiment of physical therapy as well as taking anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medications such as Advil and Motrin. Tylenol can reduce the pain, and rest can also help. Wearing a back brace can provide support when multiple areas of spinal degeneration or present, and steroid injections are also a possibility. As a last resort, surgery can ease the pressure on the nerves and strengthen the spine.