How to Recover From a Lumbar Laminectomy
Move frequently used items to shoulder-height before surgery so you can get to them without bending over. This includes toiletries and groceries.
Stay in the hospital for one to three days following a lumbar laminectomy. Your doctor will give you a post-operative recovery plan to follow.
Know that your time line for returning to normal activity will depend heavily on your age and health prior to the surgery.
Try walking as soon as you can following a lumbar laminectomy. Make sure you have someone there to support you, if needed, and take a few steps until you're exhausted.
Wear slip-on shoes with closed backs so you don't have to bend over to tie laces. This will make getting dressed much easier.
Arrange to have someone help you with chores around the house. Also get someone to drive you around on any errands for a week or two after surgery.
Avoid excessive twisting, lifting and bending for at least six weeks following a lumbar laminectomy. These actions can cause the sutures to pull or tear.
Return to doctor's office to get the sutures removed, if necessary. Some surgeons use the kind that dissolve.