Degenerative Disc Disease Cures
Healthy Discs
The discs in the back, refer to the cushions between the vertebrae that absorb shock in the spinal column. These discs are made up of approximately two-thirds of water in youth. They are white in color and act as a watery cushion to prevent back trauma. As humans age, the percentage of water decreases as the discs slowly dehydrate.
Degenerative Disc Disease Pain
The loss of water in the discs of the back can be asymptomatic or can present symptoms. Several dehydrated discs may have no symptoms at all. However, the most common symptom is back pain. Usually, DDD is not necessarily the main culprit in back pain, but acts in conjunction with other back issues that create considerable discomfort. DDD is also known as Black Disc Disease, because as the discs dehydrate, they turn from white to black.
The dehydration of the discs in the back is a fact of life consistent with aging. There is no way to rehydrate the discs and the amount of water loss can be associated to genetics, injury and environmental factors. Genetics is not a battle that can be won in this case. Injury can be avoided but is usually beyond our control. As for environmental factors, there is a correlation between smoking and disc dehydration as the chemicals in cigarettes, decrease blood flow to the discs, causing dehydration. As serious as the name Degenerative Disc Disease sounds, it is not unlike graying hair, wrinkles or any other age-related condition.