How to Cure Scoliosis
Scoliosis is treated in three ways, based on severity: observation, bracing and surgery. Each child's condition is different because of the degree of their spinal curve.
Get a back brace to wear all day or just at night. Some are worn close to 24 hours a day and taken off only showering. Other braces can be worn when sleeping. Braces will not cure scoliosis, but can keep the curvature from getting worse.
Deal with painful scoliosis with massage therapy, physical therapy and exercise. Yoga and Pilates can help alleviate the soreness and make your child's back muscles stronger.
Consider surgery if your child's spine is curved more than 40 or 50 degrees because the disorder will likely worsen over time and can sometimes affect the heart or lungs. The doctor will use new bone to join or fuse vertebrae to the spine. It is a complicated procedure that takes several hours.