Black Disc Disease
Black Disc Disease simply refers to the loss of hydration in the disc or discs in the back.
Healthy Discs
These discs are made up of at least two-thirds water when young. They function by absorbing shock on the spine and vertebrae. When fully hydrated, these disc appear white.
When humans age, the discs in the back lose a certain amount of fluid. Sometimes this can be exacerbated by trauma or smoking (the nicotine decreases circulation), but generally is a fact of life. As the water percentage decreases over the life span, the disc turns from the bright white found at youth to a black, hence the slang, Black Disc Disease.
Black Disc Disease is not reversible as there is no way to hydrate the disc. However, by avoiding activities that exacerbate pain, if pain is a symptom, a comfortable daily routine can be achieved.
Black Disc Disease may or may not be the root of pain if pain is experienced. While there may be evidence of Black Disc Disease, there may be other causes of the pain. The dehydration of the back discs is simply a sign of aging like wrinkles and hair color change.