Causes of Chronic or Severe Back Pain
Arthritis is a condition that causes the joints to become inflamed, swollen and painful. Although it is more common in other joints of the body, it can also take place in the spine. There are several different types that can cause pain. The lower back can suffer pain from osteoarthritis. A type called cervical spondylosis takes place in the cervical area, which is the upper back. Another type that can cause pain in the lower back is called lumbosacral arthritis.
Pulled Muscle
Oftentimes, the muscles and ligaments in the back get strained, sprained or pulled from lifting objects that are too heavy or from twisting too quickly past a given range of motion. This can cause sharp, severe pain. It can also be seen in contact sports like football when players get hit at a bad angle.
Pain in the back can also occur from another condition called degenerative disc disease. This is when the cartilage in between the joints wears away and the bones start rubbing against each other. The pain is usually mild and constant, but there are flareups that can also occur that would be more severe.
Organ Disease
The organs in the body can also cause pain in the back, generally the lower area. The kidneys are among those organs that can do this. They are located at the bottom of the ribcage toward the back of the body. Kidney stones, which are deposits of calcium, phosphate and oxalate that have clumped together, can develop. When they move, severe pain can be felt on the side of the body that radiates to the back area.
Bowel Obstruction
Constipation is a condition where the colon gets backed up with fecal matterl. Not only can this have an adverse affect on the digestive tract, but it can also cause the lower back to be sore. This can be either acute or chronic depending on how long the constipation lasts.
People who are sedentary and overweight often develop chronic lower back pain. There are a couple reasons why this happens. When you sit down for long periods of time, the muscles and ligaments in the back do not get moved, which can lead to poor flexibility and soreness. To impound the problem, having extra weight on the stomach overloads the muscles in the lower back, which leads to pain. Pregnant women can also suffer back pain for this reason.