C4 and C5 Nerve Damage Symptoms
Breathing Difficulties
Those with damage to the C4 and C5 often have difficulty breathing and taking in a deep breath. In some cases, the person actually can't breathe without the help of a respirator.
Lung Problems
Symptoms of C4 and C5 nerve damage include lung problems, as the lungs fill with bile and secretions. The person may cough hard and frequently while still feeling as if their lungs were full.
Blood Clots
Blood clots are a symptom of nerve damage. This usually manifests in the first few days after the injury and is treated with special anticoagulant medications.
Muscle Spasms
Those with C4 or C5 nerve damage often exhibit symptoms associated with muscle spasms. They lose the ability to control their muscles and reflexes.
These individuals have symptoms associated with pain, particularly in their muscle groups. The pain is fairly intense and sometimes feels like the muscle is hotter than the rest of the body.
Numbness in the parts of the body, especially the shoulder, is common with C5 nerve damage. It's not always common in C4 damage, but still likely.