How to Treat Lower Back Pain Caused by Muscle Spasms
The typical symptoms of this kind of lower back pain are inability to bend in certain directions, and sharp shooting pains. If you experience back muscle spasms, here's how you can get relief and get moving again.
Talk to your doctor if the spasms occur frequently, such as more than once a month, and if they occur with no reason. There may be a more serious underlying condition that causes your muscles to seize.
You should also ask for prescription muscle relaxer to help you cope with emergencies. Prescription medicines are faster and more potent than over-the-counter treatments, but you may be advised not to drive while you take them.
As soon as you feel a lower back muscle spasm coming on, the first thing to do is take either your prescribed muscle relaxer, or a double dose of ibuprofen. Any back pain reliever containing magnesium salicylate or aspirin will also do.
Next, maintain an up-right position. It may be tempting to lie on your back, but lying still actually makes the pain intensify, and makes the spasm last longer. If you are on your back when a spasm hits, roll on your side, and use your arms to prop yourself up to get off the floor. Getting up will hurt at first.
Gentle movement is the key to making a spasm subside. Once your are standing up, walk around slowly. If twisting or bending causes a sharp pain in your lower back, then walk straight and don't turn too much.
Many people find relief from this type of lower back pain when they lift their knees up. Walk around taking high steps, as if you were in a marching band. Keep your back straight. See image.
Another thing that may relieve the muscle spasm is raising your arms in the air above your head. This gently stretches the back muscles vertically. See image.
Don't do anything that makes your back tense up, such as sucking in your stomach, or bending down to pick something up. To get something off the floor, squat with your legs spread to reach down. Keep your back straight
If you have sit while you work, sit on a chair or stability ball with your legs spread. This will help relax the lower back as well.
When the pain medicine has kicked in, you can try hot and cool compresses, or gentle massages to ease away the rest of your back pain.
To reduce the intensity of back muscle spasms in the future, do back strengthening exercises daily. The stronger your back muscles are, the faster they will go back to normal after a spasm.