How to Give Good Back Massages to Pregnant Ladies
Have her remove her shirt and lie on one side of her body. Slide a soft pillow under her stomach so that she is extra comfy. Apply warm massage oil to her back. Gently rub on either side of the spine to get her ready and warmed up for the massage. Try to rub gently to get her to relax.
Work your way down past the shoulder blades to the middle of the back. Close your fists and use the knuckles of both hands to make circular motions in the back, while applying pressure. Ask her to tell you when the pressure is just right. Be sure not to apply pressure to her spine.
Use the heels of your hands to repeat the same technique you used with the knuckles. Apply more oil if needed. This makes it very easy for your hands to move about freely. Work your way down to the small of her back. This is where pregnant women feel most of their pain and pressure due to pregnancy weight gain. Again, use the heels of the hand, working in circular motions while applying moderate pressure. Use both hands and fingertips to work out any knots or tightness you may feel. Don't massage too hard, because it might cause pain.
Keep massaging the entire back area with varying strokes using your fingers and hands. Make sure she is comfortable at all times. Allow her to turn to her other side after about 5 minutes to reduce any pressure on her stomach. Remember to place the pillow back under her stomach. Repeat the process, starting from the shoulders.