Physical Therapy for Back Pain
There are many factors that can cause back pain. Your symptoms can be caused by a problem with a disk, physical changes to the vertebrae in your spine or you may have a muscular problem Your physical therapist can assess your individual situation to create a treatment plan specific for your diagnosis.
Modalities are techniques used by physical therapists to reduce back pain. This includes applying moist heat packs or ice. In addition, physical therapists are licensed to use ultrasound, TENS units and Iontophoresis which helps steroids enter the skin.
The varying medical conditions that cause back pain all have exercises that are helpful and ones that are contraindicated. The exercise program for a disk problem or spondylitis is very different from a program for a muscular problem. Your therapist is trained to help you develop an appropriate and effective back program.
Body Mechanics/Ergonomics
Using correct body mechanics in all activities you do is a very important part of your back care. Your physical therapist can review your daily activities at home, work and during hobbies. You will then learn how to perform these activities in away that does not further aggravate your back pain.
Hands On Stretching and Soft Tissue Manipulation
If your back pain is limiting your ability to exercise, your physical therapist can use passive stretching and soft tissue manipulation (massage) to help relax your muscles and reduce your pain. With passive stretching you remain relaxed and allow the therapist to move your body into a stretch.
Preventing Future Back Pain
Remember that your physical therapist's job is to teach you to take care of yourself and you must play an active role in your care. You will have exercises and need to use modalities at home in between your sessions. You will need to rethink the way you do things and make lifelong changes to help prevent your back pain from reoccurring.