Lower Back Pain in Bed
Lower back pain in bed often is a symptom of a bigger problem. A herniated disc, muscle strain or arthritis are common causes.
Regardless of what ads tell you, there is no single magic mattress to relieve lower back pain. Consider that a memory foam mattress provides an even distribution of weight, while an air-filled mattress or waterbed mattress allows you to adjust the firmness. A traditional inner-spring mattress should be of good quality and not sag.
If you sleep on your side, bend your knees and put a small pillow between them. A pillow tucked against the small of your back while lying on your side also helps to provide support. If you are a back sleeper, put a pillow or rolled-up blanket under your knees.
Change positions often. Do not spend hours on only one side or strictly on your back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
While in bed, try lying on your side and arching your back out while bringing your shoulders forward. Then gently bring your stomach forward and push your shoulders back. Repeat several times.