How to Ease Lower Back Pain While Sleeping
Things You'll Need
- extra pillows
- firm mattress
Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees. Your knees should be slightly bent. Experiment with different sizes of pillows and decide which one results in the most comfort for you. This takes pressure off the lower back and allows for proper hip placement.
Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees. Raising the knees slightly will also raise your back slightly and will take pressure off your lower back.
When sleeping on your back, also try sleeping with a pillow under the small of your back and buttocks. You don't want a pillow that is too large here.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Stomach sleeping places too much pressure on your neck and can place your back in an awkward bent position. Too many years of this will surely result in future back pain.
A good exercise you can do upon awakening is to lie on your back and slowly pull your knees into your chest. Alternate knees and do several sets of five. This will give your back a good stretch before climbing out of bed.
Make sure you are sleeping on a firm mattress. Soft or sagging mattresses will contribute to back pain.