How to Do a Lower Back Lunge
Stand with your feet about hip distance apart in order to do a lower back lunge. Stand up straight with your shoulders level. Bend your right knee and step out on your right foot, keeping your upper body straight. Your left leg should be extended behind you, foot forward and knee straight
Stretch your left arm out, extending it all the way while keeping it level. As you do the lower back lunge, extend the opposite arm from the front knee you are lunging on.
Go down as low to the floor as you can while you do a lower back lunge. Then, come back up to a straight standing position and do the lower back lunge with the opposite knee forward. Remember as you change to the left knee forward, extend your right arm out and stretch it level.
Do a lower back lunge in a different way. This is one of those exercises that can be done in more than one way. This time, go down with both knees bent. Keep one leg slightly behind you and your upper body straight. Bend both knees and go straight down as low as you can go. Let your arms hang down at your sides.
Pull your abdominal muscles (lower stomach muscles) in as tight as you can while you do each lower back lunge. This helps strengthen the lower back also. Do these lower back lunge exercises daily. Do 5 to 10 repetitions each session, but work your way up slowly so that you don't pull your back muscles.