How to Prevent a Herniated Disc
Lose excess weight or maintain your ideal body weight. Extra weight puts added stress on your lower back and weakens the muscles. If you're pregnant, try not to gain an excess amount of weight.
Develop an exercise program with your physical therapist or physician and follow it regularly. Do exercises and stretches that strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. These exercises help support proper posture and help prevent a herniated disk.
Quit smoking. The contents in cigarettes decrease your body's ability to absorb nutrients. Denying the discs of the proper nutrients can cause them to become brittle and allow them to herniate easier.
Practice good posture. When standing, keep your shoulders in line with your hips, hold your abdomen in and support your lower back. When sitting for long periods, use lumbar support. Sleep with a pillow: under your knees if you sleep on your back, between your knees if you sleep on your side and under your belly if you sleep on your stomach.
Use your legs when lifting. To lift an object, squat down with knees bent and back straight holding the abdomen in, then lift with your legs and stand straight. Avoid lifting and twisting and turning your head to one side or the other while lifting. Carry objects close to your body, and carry several smaller loads instead of fewer large loads.