How to Diagnose a Herniated Disc
Describe the pain. Give your physician a complete medical history including descriptions of the symptoms, what activities makes the pain worse and what positions makes the pain feel better. He needs to know where on your body the pain is and if it radiates down the legs or is stationary.
Undergo testing for pain. The doctor may manipulate your body into certain positions to test for pain. She may test your arms or legs, depending on where your pain is, and may also test for muscle strength and nerve function. These tests help her get a clear idea of what type of problem you are dealing with.
Prepare for diagnostic tests. Once the physician has a clear idea of what condition you have, he can order diagnostic tests to get a detailed image of the problem. The most common tests doctors use to diagnose a herniated disk are the CT scan and MRI. With these tests they can locate the affected disk, check for pinched nerves and rule out other ailments.
Follow the treatment plan. Once the physician has examined these clinical findings, she can make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the correct medications if they are warranted and create the best treatment plan for your condition.