How to Live With Spinal Stenosis
Stay active. Developing and incorporating a daily exercise routine is one of the best ways to manage your symptoms. Some exercises you can do are bicycling, swimming, and going to a physical therapist to learn how to stretch and strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.
Be aware of your back and how you use it. When picking up objects, bend at the knee and keep your back straight and carry objects close to your body. Don't slouch forward when you sit. Sit with good posture, and make sure your feet are flat on the ground. Use lumbar support, even if it is just a towel rolled and placed behind your lower back.
Manage your pain through cold and heat therapy. Topical pain relievers can help as well as massage therapy. Over the counter medications such as acetaminophen and NSAID's can be very good for reducing inflammation and controlling pain.
Eat well and maintain a healthy weight. Extra weight can affect your posture and put more pressure on your back. Drink plenty of water and keep your discs, as well as the rest of your body, hydrated.