How to Avoid Workplace Back Injuries
Stretch often at work. Take a few minutes several times a day to stretch your arms above your head, to your sides and behind your back. Move your head slowly from side to side.
Invest in a good chair. The right chair can make all the difference. It should be comfortable to sit in for long periods of time, and your feet should be able to sit flat on the ground.
Lift properly. Bending your legs when lifting is not enough. Bend your hips as well. Keep the chest forward, and keep your shoulders aligned with your hips. Always keep the object close to your body when lifting.
Avoid repetitive movements to prevent back strain. Look at your workspace and think of ways to make adjustments that will reduce repetitive motions.
Reduce stress. Practice relaxation techniques at work to reduce stress, which can lead to muscle tightness.
Maintain proper posture. Your back should be straight, shoulders slightly back, and neck straight. If you are standing, your feet should be shoulder width apart.