Home Remedies for Cluster Headaches
Avoiding Triggers
Many people who suffer from cluster headaches find that their episodes are triggered by certain events or even certain foods. In order to discover what your triggers are, keep a headache journal, documenting each cluster episode and the surrounding circumstances. Common triggers include smoking, drinking alcohol, eating foods that contain nitrates and high altitudes. When you find that a certain type of situation or food causes cluster headaches, avoiding the trigger will lower the number of cluster headaches you suffer.
Sleeping Well
Cluster headaches are often caused, or worsened, by a lack of sleep. Keeping a consistent sleep schedule can help with lessening the pain of cluster headaches as well as reducing episodes. In order to improve your quality of sleep, keep your bedroom dark, quiet and a comfortable temperature and don't nap during the day.
Relieving Stress
Stress is a common trigger for cluster headaches. For this reason, many common stress-relief techniques are helpful for reducing cluster headache pain and frequency. Practicing yoga, meditation and breathing exercises as well as using aromatherapy and listening to relaxing music can all help to reduce stress.
Alternative Treatments
Because many cluster headache sufferers are deficient in melatonin and magnesium, these supplements are commonly used as home remedies to reduce pain and frequency of cluster headaches. Acupressure can be performed at home as well, and is often helpful in reducing headache pain. Cayenne pepper placed in the nostril is another home treatment that can be helpful in relieving the pain of a cluster headache. Cayenne pepper is high in capsaicin, the component that makes peppers spicy. However, caution should be taken when undergoing this treatment due to the sensitivity of the inside of the nostril and the spiciness of the pepper.