You have four baby rabbits in a large bird Avery you were told they all female are approx now 16 weeks old but two separate breeds it is quite difficult to sex them as lot of fur?
Sexing rabbits can be difficult, especially when they are young. However, there are a few things you can look for to help you determine whether your rabbits are male or female.
1. Vent sexing
The most accurate way to sex rabbits is vent sexing. This involves gently squeezing the area around the rabbit's anus to reveal the genitals. Take a cloth and wipe the surrounding area to remove any dirt or feces that might interfere with sexing, grasp your rabbits firmly behind its shoulders, then place the rabbit’s back towards your body. Pull the tail backward and the skin around it will open.
Male: a male rabbit will have a penis.
Female: a female rabbit will have a vulva.
2. Distance between anus and genitals: Measure the distance between the anus to the genital opening. In female rabbits, the distance between them is normally less than 1 centimeter. In male rabbits, the distance is normally more than 1.5 centimeters.
3. Palpating for testicles: This method works best for rabbits older than 8-12 weeks. Gently squeeze the underside of the rabbit's belly between the hind legs. This is best done while the rabbit is relaxed or laying on its back.
Male: you will feel two small, round testicles.
Female: you will not feel any testicles.
4. Behavior
Rabbits of different sexes may exhibit certain behavioral differences.
- May be more aggressive
- May spray urine to mark territory
- May hump other rabbits
- May be more submissive
- May be more likely to groom themselves
- May dig nests
5. General Appearance
Male and female rabbits can have different physical characteristics:
- May have larger heads
- May have broader shoulders
- May have larger feet
- May have a longer tail
- May have smaller heads
- May have narrower shoulders
- May have smaller feet
- May have a shorter tail