What Foods Can I Eat to Fight Off a Cold?
Mangos are full of antioxidants. They include vitamin A, which helps your white blood cells to function more efficiently and enhance their ability to fight infections, and zinc, which is essential for many of the body's functions and increases the body's ability to fight off infections and illnesses. Some users say it can reduce the length of colds. You can eat mango in a variety of ways. Make it into a salsa, blended into a smoothie or sliced and eaten with yogurt.
Garlic is a food consumed for centuries for its medicinal properties. It enhances the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells present. This is helpful because the white blood cells attack bacteria or other foreign matter in your body. Garlic also contains vitamin C, B6, and selenium and manganese. These minerals are also associated with boosting the immune system. Eat fresh garlic by adding it to sauces and dressings.
Mushrooms have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine and other Eastern cultures for their health benefits. They contain a type of sugar called beta-glucans that stimulate the immune system to increase its efficiency. Mushrooms are also the only vegetable that contains vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream are associated with an increase in the risk of catching influenza, so these are a good food to eat to keep yourself healthy. Add them to salads, sauces and omelets.
Almonds contain vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that works in conjunction with other nutrients, such as selenium and magnesium, that are also present in almonds. They help to strengthen the immune system and can help to prevent colds and upper respiratory infections. You can toast almonds and use them as an ingredient in your granola, or you can use almond butter as an alternative to peanut butter.
Green Tea
Green tea contains antioxidants that help to build up the immune system. It contains epigallocatechin gallate, which has shown to have properties that prevent the common cold from spreading. Drinking fluids during the cold and flu season is also important, as a hydrated body is more able to defend against bacteria. Drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily to reap full benefits.