How to Prevent H5N1 Bird Flu

The H5N1 strain of bird flu, or avian influenza, can infect humans, although it more commonly infects birds. In humans, this particular strain of the virus is highly dangerous, with approximately 60 percent of infected cases resulting in death. Therefore, if the bird flu appears in your area, you should take appropriate measures to prevent contracting the virus. You can prevent getting the H5N1 bird flu through common sense and basic preparations.


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      Avoid poultry farms and open-air markets with poultry and bird droppings. If you do come in contact with live birds or their dropping, thoroughly sanitize your hands immediately.

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      Cook chicken or other fowl to a temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid contracting the bird flu from meat. Also, cook eggs until they are firm. Always wash and sanitize your hands and surfaces after handling raw fowl or especially eggs, as the outside of eggs often come into contact with bird feces.

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      Do not socialize with people who have H5N1 bird flu. Close contact with infected people only increases the chance that you will contract the virus.

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      Keep children at home, away from school, if there are confirmed bird flu cases in your area. Classrooms are notorious hotbeds for viral transmission, and schools may wait until it is too late to close the school.

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