Tips on How to Donate Plasma

Donating plasma is a way of both making money and helping someone at the same time. There are few risks associated with donating plasma and it can be used in the treatment of conditions such as hemophilia or immune deficiency disorders. Donating plasma takes between 90 minutes and three hours. It can be worth around $30 and done a couple of times a week.
  1. Drink Water Before Donation

    • Taking on extra fluid will reduce your donation time and make you less likely to be tired following your donation. You should drink four to six glasses of water, fruit juice or caffeine-free liquid two to three hours before donating. Do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to donating, and avoid caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee to avoid dehydrating your body. Carbonated drinks are OK, as long as they are caffeine-free.

    Eat Well Before Donation

    • Eating a well-balanced meal can maintain your iron and protein levels. A number of donation centers test for iron and an iron supplement is a good idea before your first visit to a donation center.

    Get Good Sleep Before Donation

    • Your plasma donation will tire you. Getting a minimum of five to six hours of sleep the night before donating can greatly reduce how tired you will feel after donating.

    Provide Information

    • You will need to fill out all the relevant paperwork for the procedure. A photograph will be taken for your file and your blood pressure and temperature will be monitored. You will have to provide a urine sample and blood test. You will undergo a brief physical examination to determine if you are fit enough to give plasma.

    After the Donation

    • You should eat a light meal and drink more liquid than you normally would for about four hours after the donation. Avoid alcohol because this can have an extremely bad effect for a few days. Keep the puncture site clean and try. After several hours you can remove the bandage. If you have any symptoms such as fainting or dizziness, lie down or sit with your head between the knees. If these symptoms persist, contact emergency medical care immediately.

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