How to Donate Plasma for Cash in Omaha, Nebraska
Determine whether you are qualified to donate. In Omaha, if you are at least 19 years old, weigh more than 110 pounds and are in general good health, which means that you have no illnesses or diseases, you are eligible to donate. Donors must also have a photo ID containing their current address and a Social Security or INS card. Tattoos, piercings or a prolonged stay in Europe may prevent donation, depending on the circumstances.
Locate plasma donation centers. Donation centers in Omaha can be found online or in the phone book. Sometimes, local Red Cross Chapters may also have information on plasma donation centers. These plasma donation centers are located in Omaha:
CSL Plasma: 3939 Leavenworth Street, Omaha NE, 68105; (402) 345-1477
OctaPharma Plasma: 4411 Center Street, Suite B, Omaha NE, 68105 (402) 614-6630)
Contact the donation centers to determine their donating requirements. A center may have additional donation requirements than the three previously mentioned. Knowing whether you must comply with additional requirements will make donating easier. Inquire into the times, dates, whether you must make an appointment and the necessary documentation that you must provide for donating.
CSL Plasma requires donors to live in a marketing area of one of their centers, have no history of seizures and not have had any new tattoos or tattoo touch-up work within the previous 12 months. Octapharma has no additional donation requirements for donors.
Drink plenty of fluids. Donating plasma typically does not negatively affect the donor, but drinking fluids prior to donating may reduce the amount of time it takes to donate.
Visit the donation center. On your first visit you will need to provide your documentation, personal information and undergo a short physical examination. The exam is performed to ensure that you are healthy enough to donate plasma. On subsequent visits you will not need to provide this documentation or undergo another exam.
Donate your plasma. After passing your physical exam the professionals at the facility will begin the donation procedure. Plasma is donated by a needle inserted into the donor's arm. Donating can take anywhere from 30-50 minutes. All materials uses are sterilized for the donor's protection.
Obtain compensation for donating. Immediately after you have donated you are entitled to compensation. The amount of compensation given to an individual varies, but typically averages $50.00 per donation. This rate may increase with subsequent donations.