How to Donate Plasma in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Schedule an appointment by calling a plasma donation center such as Oklahoma Blood Institute in Oklahoma City at (405) 297-5700 or CSL Plasma Service at (405) 521-9204. You must be at least 18 years of age, weigh at least 110 lbs. and be disease free to make a donation.
Prior to your appointment, eat a meal or drink some juice. Donating plasma can make some people feel dizzy or nauseous.
Go to your appointment and complete a physical examination. You are required to pass a basic medical examination, as well as an exam for transmittable diseases. The technician will also ask you basic health questions. You will need to sign waivers before you can donate. Allow a few hours for your first visit. Subsequent visits will take about 30 minutes.
Lie down while the technician drains your blood with a needle. The blood will be drained into a sterile medical machine that separates the plasma from your white blood cells, which are then returned to your body.
The plasma centers will pay you for your donation. Most agencies will pay about $20 to $35 per donation. You can usually donate as often as twice a week.