How do I find out my blood type?
Here are the steps on how to get a blood test to find out your blood type:
1. Talk to your doctor. Let your doctor know that you want to find out your blood type. Your doctor may order a blood test for you or refer you to a laboratory where you can get the test done.
2. Fast before the test. You may be asked to fast for a few hours before the blood test. This means that you should not eat or drink anything except water.
3. Go to the doctor's office or laboratory. On the day of your blood test, go to the doctor's office or laboratory at the appointed time.
4. Give a blood sample. A healthcare professional will take a small sample of your blood, usually from a vein in your arm.
5. Wait for the results. The results of your blood test will typically be available within a few days.
It's important to find out your blood type in case you ever need a blood transfusion or organ transplant. Knowing your blood type can also be helpful if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant.