What can cord blood do?
Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. It is rich in stem cells, which are cells that can develop into any type of cell in the body.
What can cord blood be used for?
Cord blood can be used to treat a variety of diseases, including:
* Leukemia
* Lymphoma
* Hodgkin's disease
* Multiple myeloma
* Neuroblastoma
* Sickle cell disease
* Thalassemia
* Immune deficiency disorders
Cord blood can also be used to treat certain types of tissue damage, such as that caused by burns or radiation.
How is cord blood collected?
Cord blood is collected immediately after a baby is born. The umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the blood is drained from the cord into a special bag. The blood is then processed and stored in a cord blood bank.
Is cord blood donation safe?
Cord blood donation is a safe and painless procedure. There is no risk to the mother or the baby.
How can I donate cord blood?
If you are interested in donating cord blood, you should talk to your doctor or midwife. They can provide you with more information about the donation process.
What are the benefits of donating cord blood?
Donating cord blood is a generous and selfless act that can help to save the life of a child or adult in need. Cord blood donation also helps to advance research into the use of stem cells for the treatment of diseases.