Who can donate blood in Canada?
* Be at least 17 years old (with parental consent if you are 17 years old)
* Weigh at least 50 kg (110 lbs)
* Be in generally good health
* Not have any health conditions or risk factors that would prevent you from donating blood, such as:
* Cancer
* Heart disease
* Diabetes
* High blood pressure
* Anemia
* Hepatitis B or C
* Syphilis
* Gonorrhea
* Chlamydia
* Active tuberculosis
* Recent travel to certain countries where malaria or yellow fever is present
You may also be temporarily ineligible to donate blood if you have:
* Had a cold, flu, or sore throat within the past 2 weeks
* Had a tattoo or piercing within the past 6 months
* Been vaccinated within the past 48 hours
* Donated blood within the past 56 days
* Are pregnant or breastfeeding
If you have any questions about your eligibility to donate blood, you can talk to a doctor or a staff member at a Canadian Blood Services clinic.