What is blood made out of?
* Plasma (55%): Liquid component that makes up more than half of blood's volume
* 92% water
* 7% proteins
* Albumin
* Globulins
* Fibrinogen
* 1% other solutes
* Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate)
* Glucose
* Lipids
* Hormones
* Waste products (urea, creatinine)
* Red blood cells (45%): Also called erythrocytes
* Carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
* Contain hemoglobin, a protein that binds to oxygen
* Make up about 45% of blood's volume
* White blood cells (less than 1%): Also called leukocytes
* Fight infection
* Make up less than 1% of blood's volume
* Platelets (less than 1%): Also called thrombocytes
* Help stop bleeding
* Make up less than 1% of blood's volume