Can parents both blood type A positive have a child type?
Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the surface of red blood cells. There are two main blood group systems: the ABO blood group system and the Rh blood group system.
The ABO blood group system involves two antigens, A and B. People with blood type A have only A antigens on their red blood cells, people with blood type B have only B antigens, people with blood type AB have both A and B antigens, and people with blood type O have neither A nor B antigens.
The Rh blood group system involves one antigen, D. People with Rh-positive blood have the D antigen, while people with Rh-negative blood lack the D antigen.
The blood type of a child is determined by the blood types of their parents. If both parents have A positive blood, the child can have either A positive or A negative blood. If one parent has A positive blood and the other parent has O positive blood, the child can have A positive, A negative, O positive, or O negative blood. And so on.