If you have abnormal heavy bleeding should a d c?
AUB is a general term used to describe any abnormal menstrual bleeding, including:
* Menstrual periods that are unusually heavy or prolonged
* Menstrual periods that occur more frequently than every 24 days
* Bleeding between periods
* Bleeding after menopause
A D and C may be performed to diagnose the cause of AUB. It can also be used to treat AUB by removing tissue that is causing the bleeding.
If you have AUB, your doctor may recommend a D and C if:
* You have not responded to medication
* You have a condition that is known to cause AUB, such as fibroids or polyps
* You are at risk for developing uterine cancer
A D and C is a safe and effective procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis.
The procedure takes about 30 minutes. You will be given anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the procedure.
Your doctor will use a speculum to widen your vagina and see your cervix. A thin tube called a cannula will be inserted through your cervix into your uterus. Fluid will be used to expand your uterus and soften the tissue.
A curette, which is a thin instrument with a loop on the end, will be used to scrape away tissue from the lining of your uterus. The tissue will be sent to a laboratory for analysis.
After the procedure, you may experience some cramping and vaginal bleeding. You may also feel tired and weak. These symptoms should go away within a few days.
You should see your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms after a D and C:
* Fever
* Severe abdominal pain
* Heavy vaginal bleeding
* Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
A D and C is a valuable tool for diagnosing and treating AUB. If you are experiencing AUB, talk to your doctor about whether a D and C is right for you.