Can you father someone who has type O blood?

Yes, it is possible for a person with type O blood to father someone with a different blood type. Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. People with type O blood do not have any A or B antigens, while people with type A blood have only A antigens, people with type B blood have only B antigens, and people with type AB blood have both A and B antigens.

When a person with type O blood fathers a child, the child's blood type can be either A, B, or O. This is because the child inherits one allele for blood type from each parent. If the child inherits an A allele from the mother, they will have type A blood. If the child inherits a B allele from the mother, they will have type B blood. And if the child inherits an O allele from the mother, they will have type O blood.

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