How to Resolve Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
Know the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis. Pain in the leg, warmth and redness over the site should raise concern. Expect the condition to affect the thigh or lower leg. You may have trouble walking on the leg or flexing your foot upward. The veins in the body carry blood back to the heart. When a clot emerges in a vein, it can travel to the lungs blocking blood flow and causing distress to the lung and heart, according to Medline Plus.
Become aware of the conditions that can cause deep vein thrombosis. A broken leg or hip, surgery on the chest, abdomen, hip or leg are possible conditions that can stimulate a blood clot. Be aware that long trips that require sitting in the same position, such as plane or automobile travel, can cause blood clots. Check with your doctor to see if you have any clotting conditions that might require medication. Cancer is another condition that causes clots to develop in the deep veins. Other conditions that increases the risk of blood clots are: pregnancy, obesity, birth control pills, nursing and a history of heart attack, stroke or heart failure.
Seek medical treatment if you have any of the symptoms or suspect a blood clot. Expect certain procedures to help diagnose the disease such as an ultrasound or venogram, which is an X-ray test. The Society for Vascular Surgery suggests resolving the condition by administering heparin, an anticoagulant drug that will break up the clot. Continued treatment might include another anticoagulant drug called warfarin after five to seven days. In some cases, an injection directly into the vein with medication is used. Patients that cannot use heparin receive a filter placed in the large vein (vena cava) in the abdomen to block any clot from traveling to the lungs.
Keep yourself healthy and avoid deep-vein blood clots by taking medication prescribed to avoid blood clotting after surgery or in certain medical conditions. Wear elastic stockings on your legs that will keep blood from gathering in one spot. Walk as soon as possible after surgery. Stop occasionally on long trips to stretch your legs and maintain good circulation.