How to Donate Plasma for Money in Minneapolis
Determine your donation eligibility, which includes factors such as age, weight, health and whether or not you've been the recipient of any tattoos or piercings in the past 12 months.
Call a Minneapolis plasma donation center, such as the American Red Cross, CSL Plasma or Memorial Blood Center to schedule an appointment.
Go to your initial appointment with your photo identification on hand. Provide your complete medical history and undergo a physical examination with the doctor on staff. Your blood will be drawn to test for disease. If you pass the physical and your blood work comes back acceptable, you will receive a call asking you to schedule a donation appointment.
Go to your appointment and donate. You will spend between one and two hours hooked to a blood machine that draws your blood, separates the plasma from the rest of your blood and returns the blood portion to your body.
Receive your compensation at the front desk after you've donated. Rates differ at each plasma donation center in Minneapolis. You can donate twice a week but no more than once in a 48-hour period.