How to Prevent Bloodclots in the Veins

Blood is liquid and it is constantly moving through your body. Blood that has become solid, creating a clump, is a blood clot. Blood clots can form in a vein, artery or the heart. Certain cancers, pregnancy, surgery and high blood pressure are all causes. Blood clots can pose significant consequences; however they can be treated and in some instances prevented.

Things You'll Need

  • Prescribed blood thinner
  • Fluids
  • Compression stockings
  • Flavonoid foods
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      Being immobile slows blood circulation, allowing blood clots to form in your veins. As soon as you are able to move around, stand up, move your legs and take short walks every hour. Stretch your muscles and massage them lightly. If you are unable to move around, while sitting, stretch your calve muscles by lifting your heels with your toes on the ground, and lifting your toes with your heels still on the ground. Exercising your muscles will increase your blood flow to prevent blood clots from forming.

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      Take all prescribed medication as directed. Heparin and Coumadin are blood thinners that are prescribed by doctors. They prevent new clots from forming and existing clots from growing by thinning the blood and making it less sticky.

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      Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, unless your doctor has restricted your fluid intake. Dehydration causes blood to thicken and vessels to become narrower. Fluids keep blood moving and less likely to clot. Do not restrict fluids after surgery or when sitting for long periods of time.

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      Wear compression stockings. Compression stockings are tight fitting and they gently apply pressure at the ankle and less pressure as it goes up the leg. The gentle pressure encourages blood return from the legs and prevents back flow and clot formation. Science Daily suggests thigh-length compression stockings rather than knee-length.

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      Eat foods that contain flavonoids. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and prevent blood from clotting by making it less sticky. Foods that contain flavonoids are dark grapes like red or purple, dark purple grape juice, dark chocolate and green tea.

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