How to Build Hemoglobin
Things You'll Need
- Iron-rich food
- Iron-fortified food
- Iron supplements
Consult a physician regarding your hemoglobin level. Tell your physician all of your physical symptoms, especially if you feel tired, look pale, or have headaches and shortness of breath, because this may indicate that your hemoglobin level is low. Get a regular blood checkup, because hemoglobin levels decrease as you age.
Go to a laboratory recommended by your physician and take a blood test to determine if your hemoglobin level is too low. The laboratory will take a sample of your blood and break down the red blood cells to determine your hemoglobin levels.
Eat a diet of foods rich in iron or iron-fortified foods such as cereal if your physician has determined that your hemoglobin is below a normal level. Red meats, fish, poultry, dessicated liver, and shellfish such as clams, oysters, mussels, and shrimp are food rich in iron.
Increase your iron intake by eating vegetable and dairy food sources that are rich in iron. Egg yolks, kelp, dry beans, baked potato with the skin on, pasta, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, leafy green vegetables like broccoli and brussel sprouts, green and red peppers, citrus fruit, strawberries, molasses, and sun-dried raisins provide high amounts of iron.
Refrain from consuming foods that interfere with the absorption of iron such as coffee, tea, red wine, whole-grain cereals, spinach, chard, sweet potato, and soy products.
Take iron supplements as prescribed by your physician. Physicians measure the level of iron stored in the body and can prescribe the necessary amount of iron supplements. Vitamins A and C help in the absorption of iron supplements.