Signs & Symptoms of Blood Clots in the Calf
The affected calf may swell and the swelling can radiate upward to the knee or upper leg or down to the ankle or foot.
If you've ever had a charley-horse, then you may recognize a similar cramping or radiating pain that can indicate a more serious medical condition. The pain or cramping may begin in your calf, and like the swelling, may radiate upward to the knee or thigh or down to the ankle and foot. Even if there isn't an overt pain, persistent calf tenderness can indicate the presence of a clot. Occasionally, the pain may only occur when you stand.
Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis can include discoloration or redness along the calf or the entire the leg. Your skin may also be warm to the touch over the affected area.
No Symptoms
Alarmingly, in more than half the cases of blood clots, there are no signs or symptoms to prompt concern. This means that you should be aware of the potential causes for deep vein thrombosis to see if you are at a high risk and you should regularly visit your doctor to maintain good health.