Tools for a Hematologist

A hematologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the study and health of human blood. These doctors use equipment to analyze blood samples, determine white and red blood cell counts, check for the presence of cancer and analyze blood glucose levels. Blood analysis can help detect the presence of a deadly disease while it is still in its initial, treatable stages.
  1. Hematology Analyzer

    • A hematology analyzer does pretty much what the name implies--it analyzes blood. More specifically, the machine processes blood samples using electronic resistance and volumetric metering to view a particular sample using a wide variety of parameters. The machine may be attached to a printer to deliver a detailed analysis of the sample's content, including red blood cell count and the presence of any protein markers that may be indicative of disease or infection.

    Blood Withdrawal Equipment

    • A hematologist specializes in the analysis of blood so it stands to reason he may spend some time in his medical practice or place of employment drawing blood from patients. Syringes, butterfly needles and tourniquets are tools used by the hematologist to draw blood from patients for later analysis. Lancets are used to draw blood from the heel of a newborn as the veins are still developing and cannot support a needle stick.


    • A photometer is a small electronic device used by hematologists to get quick counts on hemoglobin and hematocrit in a patient's blood. All that is needed for analysis with this device is a single drop of blood enabling a hematologist to get readings from patients that may be on blood thinners or in the midst of emergency room assessment without compromising patient health or risking contamination. The results generated by a photometer are generally available in less than a minute.

    Hematology Labs

    • The tools used by hematologists in a lab setting can involve everything from microscopes and slides to autoclaves for sterilization. Blood analysis devices may be in use in the lab as well, although the majority of time is spent examining slides underneath a microscope to determine the presence of bacteria, parasites or other disease in a patient's blood.

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