Proper Way to Inject Lovenox
Things You'll Need
- Gloves
- Alcohol swab
- Lovenox pre-filled syringe
- Band-aid
- Sharps container
Apply gloves and cleanse an area one to two inches away from naval in a circular motion, moving outwards two to three inches.
Remove the needle shield. Pull the needle shield straight off the syringe. Lovenox comes in pre-filled syringes and must be prescribed by a physician.
Pinch the one-inch section of skin that has been cleaned with the alcohol swab, and inject the Lovenox into the fatty tissue of the abdomen one to two inches away from the naval. Inject the medication at a 90 degree angle, pushing the plunger to the bottom of the syringe.
Keep your fingers on the plunger rod once the medicine has been injected and remove the syringe from the injection site. Be sure to pull the needle out of the skin away from yourself and anyone else around you and firmly push the plunger rod to trigger the safety, which will cover the used needle. You will hear a clicking noise once this has been successfully achieved.
Place the used syringe immediately in a "sharps" container and place a band-aid over the injection site if needed.