Low White Blood Count Due to Cancer
A low white blood cell (WBC) count can happen as a result of chemotherapy. A low WBC in the body makes one more susceptible to diseases and infections. There is a point where most cancer patients are at great risk of infection, this is because of their low white blood count.
How One Gets a Low WBC
One of the ways that chemotherapy treats cancer is by killing cells, it kills the cancerous cells but it can also kill other cells. It often kills white blood cells. This results in a low white blood cell count (neutropenia).
White Blood Cell Count Before Cancer Treatment
Individuals with cancer have an abnormally high white blood count before starting chemotherapy. This has been researched and proven by Dr. Anoop Shankar and peers at the National University of Singapore.
Effects of a Low WBC
White blood cells protect the body from infections; an abnormally low count may result in poor defense mechanisms against viral, fungal and bacterial infections, anemia and bleeding. It is for this reason that individuals undergoing chemo are often warned to stay away from sick people and are told to avoid any kind of raw food.
How to Deal With a Low White Blood Cell Count
If a patient is found to have a dangerously low white blood cell count his normal schedule for chemotherapy may be delayed or the length of sessions may be reduced by his doctor until a higher white blood cell count is restored. Since cancer patients undergoing chemo will usually have a low WBC count and are more prone to getting infections and illnesses, they must get regular general checkups to avoid any problematic health conditions.
There are natural foods a patient can eat to increase her WBC, they include yogurt, boiled eggs, garlic, strawberries and spinach.