How to Improve Low Blood Counts
Determine what type of cells are low. Have blood drawn and a complete blood count (CBC) done. This will diagnose what type of cells are low and allow appropriate treatment to start.
Take medications. Erythropoietin is used to treat people who have low red blood cell counts by increasing cell production gradually. Filgrastim or pegfilgrastim can be taken to improve white blood cell counts if they are low. Both are approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.
Undergo a transfusion. Both platelets and red blood cells can be transfused into a patient to treat low blood counts. Blood for transfusions can come from a blood bank or a patient can donate his own blood prior to a medical procedure to be used later when the counts become low.
Consider switching to a different type of chemotherapy or stopping treatment, if that is the cause of the reduced blood counts. According to the Mayo Clinic, treatment may need to be temporarily stopped, which may give blood counts a chance to improve.