Acidosis Prevention

Acidosis is a condition indicated by excess levels of acid in the lungs or bloodstream. Acidosis can be easily controlled depending upon underlying factors such as the patient’s overall health and family history. Severe cases can lead to respiratory failure, shock and even death. There are two types of acidosis—respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis—each with their own symptoms, treatments and preventative measures.
  1. Respiratory Acidosis

    • Respiratory acidosis occurs when the lungs are unable to remove all of the carbon dioxide produced during the breathing process. This causes excess levels of acid in the bloodstream and other bodily fluids. Respiratory acidosis can be caused by underlying factors such as asthma, scoliosis, nerve diseases, narcotics and severe obesity.

      In most cases, chronic respiratory acidosis occurs over a long period of time and can be tolerated if the kidneys have enough time to build up counter chemicals such as bicarbonates in the body. However, acute respiratory acidosis can occur if the body does not have time to balance itself. Symptoms of respiratory acidosis include confusion, lethargy, sleepiness and shortness of breath.

      Respiratory acidosis treatments include bronchodilator drugs to clear airway obstructions and inflammation as well as non-invasive positive pressure ventilation to help balance the body’s acid level.

      Respiratory acidosis prevention starts with a review of your overall health. See your primary care physician if you are having respiratory acidosis symptoms. If you smoke or are obese, quit smoking and begin a healthy diet and exercise program. Avoid taking sedatives and, if you must take sedatives, do not consume alcohol while taking them.

    Metabolic Acidosis

    • Metabolic acidosis occurs when the acid base in the bloodstream becomes unbalanced. Metabolic acidosis can be caused by underlying factors such as kidney failure, diabetic ketoacidosis, swallowing antifreeze, too much aspirin consumption and shock as well as the overall health of the patient.

      There are many possible metabolic acidosis symptoms. The most visible symptoms are rapid breathing, confusion and lethargy. If you feel you may be suffering from metabolic acidosis, seek the advice of your primary care physician who can run tests such as an arterial blood gas, a metabolic panel and a complete blood count.

      Metabolic acidosis treatments include finding the underlying issues causing the acidosis and potentially prescribing sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to balance the blood’s acidity level.

      Metabolic acidosis prevention focuses on keeping your body in the best overall health possible. Consult your doctor on recommendations for a healthy diet and exercise program and keep your life as stress-free as possible. Eating a balanced diet of low-fat meats, fruits and vegetables along with consuming one to three liters of water per day will go a long way toward preventing metabolic acidosis.

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