Causes, Treatment And Prognosis of Thrombocytopenia
There are three major causes of thrombocytopenia: low production of platelets in the bone marrow; increased breakdown of platelets in the bloodstream; and increased breakdown of platelets in the liver or spleen.
Poor Production
A number of conditions cause poor production of platelets. These can include bone marrow infections, bone marrow cancer, anemia, viral infections, and myelodysplasia.
Platelet Breakdown
Conditions that cause excessive breakdown of platelets include: pregnancy, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, blood poisoning, auto-immune diseases, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Some drugs, such as chemotherapy and malaria drugs, and excessive alcohol use also causes excessive platelet breakdown.
Treatment is aimed at dealing with the underlying conditions. The treatment options include medications, surgical removal of the spleen, and a transfusion of platelets.
The main concern with a low platelet count is brain hemorrhaging and excessive bleeding in the digestive tract, which can prove to be fatal. The survival rate depends on the underlying condition that causes thrombocytopenia.