How to Calculate a Heparin IV Rate
Things You'll Need
- IV bag of Herapin (labeled)
- Calculator
Verify the doctor’s orders. These orders will specify the amount of Herapin the doctor wants the patient to receive and over what span of time.
Check the label of the IV bag to determine how many units of Herapin are in the bag and how much liquid is in the bag. If necessary, convert the volume of liquids to milliliters (mL). For instance, if the IV bag contains 1-liter (L), then convert that volume to 1,000 mL.
Divide the number of Herapin units in the bag by the milliliters of liquid in the bag. This equation will give you the concentration of Herapin per mL of liquid.
Divide the length of time the patient is supposed to receive the IV by the concentration of Herapin per mL (the solution to the previous equation). This equation will tell you the correct drip rate for the IV so that the patient receives the right dosage of Herapin within the right amount of time.