What Is an Acceptable Blood Oxygen Level?
Measuring Blood Oxygen
Medical professionals measure blood oxygen levels with blood tests or an oximeter, a small device that is clipped on your finger.
The normal range for blood oxygen is from 95 percent to 100 percent at sea level. Doctors consider levels below 90 percent to be low, but not severe. People with blood oxygen levels below 80 percent have severe hypoxemia.
The most common symptom of hypoxemia is shortness of breath that comes on suddenly. Shortness of breath after a little exertion is a sign of severe hypoxemia. Those with severe hypoxemia need to seek medical care as soon as possible.
Some conditions that cause hypoxemia include sleep apnea, emphysema, pneumonia, and anemia.
To help maintain acceptable blood oxygen levels and prevent shortness of breath from worsening, avoid smoking, and begin a mild, daily exercise routine. This will strengthen your respiratory muscles and increase their ability to oxygenate blood. Treatment of lung disease also helps to improve blood oxygen levels.