The Importance of Alkaline pH in Your Body
Ideal Range
According to Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, a clinical nutritionist, a pH of around 7.0 is ideal for a healthy lifestyle.
Alkaline balance in they body allows the immune system to function properly, helps tissue heal and promotes a healthy metabolism, according to Loscalzo.
Many activities--including digestion and exercise--result in increased acid production in the body. According to Loscalzo, balancing these fluctuations with a diet that includes alkaline-containing foods is important.
Acid Over-Balance
Having too much acid in the body can lower the immune system and increase susceptibility to free-radical cells. According to Dr. Robert Yound, author of "The pH Miracle," alkaline levels counteract these symptoms of acid over-balance.
Alkaline Foods
Most fruits, vegetables and nuts have positive alkaline levels. Meats, bleached flour products and sugars are a few examples of foods that are more acidic.