How to Interpret a WBC Differential Count
Many conditions, including infections, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, stress, medications, leukemia, autoimmune diseases, long-term exposure to toxic chemicals, allergies and long-term steroid use, can lead to changes in the numbers and types of WBCs. Your doctor may order a WBC differential count to evaluate how effective a drug treatment is, to confirm certain symptoms or to diagnose an illness. Comparing the numbers of each specific type of white cell to normal values is helpful in diagnosing particular illnesses. Normal values or normal ranges are usually included with your WBC differential count results.
Things You'll Need
- Complete blood count, done by a doctor (report should be reviewed with a doctor)
Understand what WBCs do. White cells fight bacterial and viral infections and destroy infected and damaged cells. Normally, the number of white cells in a cubic millimeter (cmm or mm3) of blood varies from 4,300 to 10,800 cells. Children usually have higher WBCs than adults. Large increases or decreases in the number of WBCs need to be investigated.
Look at the neutrophil levels. An elevation in the number of neutrophils can indicate bacterial infection, vasculitis and inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and vasculitis. Low levels of neutrophils may be caused by a serious infection or medications, such as chemotherapy.
Examine the eosinophil count. Eosinophils levels can increase because of allergies, skin inflammation, parasitic infections or bone marrow disorders. Low eosinophil levels can indicate infection.
Check the number of basophils. This number can increase because of leukemia, chronic inflammation, food allergies or radiation therapy.
Look at the lymphocyte count. Increases in lymphocytes can be caused by viral infection, leukemia, bone marrow cancer or radiation therapy. Low lymphocyte levels may be due to immune system diseases, such as lupus and the HIV infection.
Check monocyte levels. Monocyte counts can increase because of infection, inflammation and cancer. Low monocyte levels may be caused by bone marrow problems and leukemia.