How to Use a Life Source Blood Pressure Cuff
Prepare to take blood pressure reading by relaxing for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove any tight-fitting garments or accessories since they can skew your blood pressure reading. You should also clear your left wrist before using the LifeSource blood pressure cuff. Find a comfortable place with a flat surface where you can sit.
Attach the BP cuff to your left wrist, with your palm and the display both facing up. Be sure that the cuff is fastened securely. Raise your wrist so that the BP cuff is level with your heart. If it is not level with your heart, your blood pressure reading may be inaccurate.
Press the start button and wait for the BP cuff to inflate. Do not move or talk while you wait for your blood pressure reading. The cuff should be tight but you should not feel any pain.
Look for a heart symbol to show up on the BP cuff display as it slowly deflates while it is taking your reading. The heart symbol will start to flash with your pulse after a few moments. You will know that the reading is complete when the display shows your systolic, diastolic, and pulse readings. The BP cuff will continue to deflate completely.