Can a Vibrating Massager Be Good for Anemia?
Massage Therapy
A vibrating massager can provide home treatment that mimics the effect of massage therapy, in which medical massage professionals apply pressure to various muscle areas. Massage of the skin and muscle tissue stimulates blood flow, which is why massage therapy is often used to treat symptoms of blood conditions. Massage is also helpful for anemia treatment because it can increase the number of red blood cells, which are deficient in people with many forms of anemia. Massage for anemia treatment should be administered in hour-long sessions for maximum effectiveness on red blood cell count and repeated daily.
Reducing Fatigue
A major side effect of anemia that can be alleviated by massage with a vibrating massager or hand massage is fatigue. In increasing the flow of blood to the muscles, massage therapy can help to control and reduce feelings of fatigue that result from anemia. Many people who suffer from anemia-related fatigue may also experience muscle atrophy from inactivity, and vibrating massage can reduce atrophy by stimulating muscle fibers.
Relieving Pain
Vibrating massage can also contribute to anemia treatment by relieving muscle pain. In addition to causing fatigue, anemia may also result in muscle pain. In addition to helping improve overall tissue health, massage therapy also helps to relax patients' bodies and reduce muscle tension. Vibrating massage should be directed towards any areas where muscle pain is located, such as the joints or abdomen.
Developing a Treatment Plan
As a part of anemia treatment, vibrating massage or other massage therapy should be coupled with mild exercise, such as yoga or aerobics, in order to maximize the benefits. People with anemia should also consult their doctor to formulate a plan for treating anemia that includes diet and exercise, as well as medication or dietary supplements if directed, in addition to any home massage or massage therapy treatment to maximize the effectiveness of massage.