How to Stop Nose Bleeds with Herbal Home Remedies

Dry air is responsible for most nosebleeds. Dry air causes the tissues of the nose to crack and bleed. Nose bleeds are a common health issue and can range from a few drops to a major hemorrhage. Some people are prone to nose bleeds. Allergies can also cause nose bleeds. Normally, nose bleeds can be handled at home with pressure to stop the bleeding. Several herbs also inhibit the flow of blood.


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      Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
      Amla, or Indian Gooseberry, is a common folk remedy for nose bleed. Three drops of the juice are poured into the nostril

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      Yarrow has been used for centuries to treat nosebleeds. The yarrow leaf is either ground and placed in the nose, applying pressure, or rolled and applied in the same way. It is said to stop the bleeding.

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      Goldenseal also stops bleeding in nose bleeds and helps to prevent their recurrence. A teaspoon of goldenseal is boiled as a tea and cooled. When the tea has cooled, suck the goldenseal into the nostrils or tip the head back and pour.

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      Cayenne may seem harsh for the delicate tissues of the nose, but it stops bleeding quickly. One apply cayenne directly or dink a tiny bit of cayenne paper in a glass of warm waters. The cayenne regulates the blood pressure and prevents hemorrhage.

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      Chinese Wormwood
      For centuries the Chinese have used the herb Chinese wormwood to stop bleeding in wounds. It is especially effective in nose bleeds.

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